Medical training

We are currently in the process of developing a multiple scenario training pack:
Transition to parenthood course – we have run this for 12 months. It is for any health care professional who works with new parents (midwives, health visitors, GPs, paediatricians, obstetricians, nursery nurses, audiologists, neonatal and paediatric nurses). The feedback has been exemplary. It uses two role professional role players. This is being developed into a Virtual Reality Scenario.
Child Sexual Abuse Course – we have run this four times so far. It was funded by the school of paediatrics so only paediatricians have been on it. We have six different scenarios using a pair of simulation patients/clients. It is experiential as participants have to engage with young people who have been ‘sexually abused’. This could be broadened to include all number of health care professionals. Again this could and should be converted to a Virtual Reality Scenario.
End of life conversations (for those working on paediatric intensive care) and how to have them. This would be run with actors in the first place at Great Ormond Street Hospital but again this is to be converted into a virtual reality scenario so that eventually any professional can have access to this training at any time of the day (say to practice before a real conversation).
We have recently been invited to host a workshop at the UCL Behaviour Change Conference. Please see our publication here.
More information about Caroline’s work in medical training in VR please see here.